Exercise Sucks! The Secret to Losing Weight Without Really Trying

While browsing thru the internet and checking out my Twitter time line., I came to discover this amazing book being sold @Amazon Kindle Store, Exercise Sucks! The Secret to Losing Weight Without Really Trying . Let me share to you about this book thru the "book description" in the Amazon website url link.

For many people, the title of this book sums up how they feel about working out: Exercise Sucks!

But the reality is that losing weight and keeping it off through diet alone is virtually impossible, which is why most of us fail. To lose the weight and get that lean body you dream about you have to eat well and be active on a regular basis. New research reveals that most of us sit an astounding 7-11 hours every day!

Exercise Sucks! is based on the new science of sedentary studies, which points to the startling conclusion that “exercise” as we know it may not even be the most effective way to lose weight.
This sure-to-be-controversial book will show you how to:
•Change your habits and bring more regular activity to your day, allowing you to burn far more calories than you would “exercising.”
•Bring “real food” that is delicious and healthy back into your life easily!
•Learn movements that can be done at your desk or kitchen counter that will improve strength, flexibility, balance and energize you without breaking a sweat
•Choose foods that will help you lose weight without really trying
•De-stress your life to make weight loss easier and faster
•Make the most out of a short workout program to lose weight fast

Exercise Sucks! will help you lose the weight you want to lose with little or no time spent doing the thing most people hate… exercise.

DOWNLOAD THE BOOK NOW!  Exercise Sucks! The Secret to Losing Weight Without Really Trying 


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